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Gimlet Configuration Reference

This page is a full configuration reference should you need to adjust the configuration when self-hosting Gimlet.

Debugging & Logging

Environment VariableDescription
DEBUGA variable that sets the debugging mode for the application.
TRACEA variable that enables detailed tracing for the application. Allows for extensive logging and tracing of application operations.

Host & Network Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
HOSTA variable that specifies the host address of the application. Gimlet must know what address it is running on. It uses this hostname to register webhooks on GitHub and GitLab.

GitHub Integration

Environment VariableDescription
GITHUB_APP_IDThe ID of the GitHub application being used.
GITHUB_INSTALLATION_IDThe ID of the GitHub installation associated with the application.
GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEYThe private SSH key used for authentication with the GitHub API.
GITHUB_CLIENT_IDThe client ID for the GitHub OAuth application.
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRETThe client secret for the GitHub OAuth application.
GITHUB_SKIP_VERIFYA variable that determines whether to skip verification of GitHub API SSL certificates.
GITHUB_DEBUGA variable that enables debugging mode for interactions with the GitHub API.
GITHUB_ORGThe GitHub Organization or personal GitHub account who is authorized to use Gimlet.

GitLab Integration

Environment VariableDescription
GITLAB_CLIENT_IDThe client ID for the GitLab OAuth application.
GITLAB_CLIENT_SECRETThe client secret for the GitLab OAuth application.
GITLAB_ADMIN_TOKENA personal access token or group access token. Gimlet uses this token to access GitLab resources.
GITLAB_DEBUGA variable that enables debugging mode for interactions with the GitLab API.
GITLAB_ORGThe GitLab Group or personal GitLab account who is authorized to use Gimlet.
GITLAB_URLThe URL of the GitLab instance.

Database Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
DATABASE_DRIVERThe driver or provider for the database connection. Either postgres or sqlite.
DATABASE_CONFIGThe driver-specific data source name. An example postgres config: postgres://gimlet:yourpassword@postgresql:5432/gimlet_dashboard?sslmode=disable.
DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEYThe encryption key used for encrypting sensitive data in the database.
DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_NEWProvide this variable if you want to rotate the DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY. If both DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY and DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_NEW is set, Gimlet will re-encrypt the encrypted data with the new key.

Notification Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
NOTIFICATIONS_PROVIDERThe provider or service used for sending notifications. It can be slack or discord.
NOTIFICATIONS_TOKENThe token or credentials for accessing the notifications provider.
NOTIFICATIONS_DEFAULT_CHANNELThe default channel or destination for sending notifications.
NOTIFICATIONS_CHANNEL_MAPPINGMapping channels or destinations for sending notifications.

Helm Chart Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
CHART_NAMEThe name of the Helm chart that Gimlet uses for new deployment configs created on the dashboard. Also, if FEATURE_CHART_VERSION_UPDATER is set, this chart version is considered as the latest chart version.
CHART_REPOThe Helm repository where CHART_NAME is stored.
CHART_VERSIONThe version of the Helm chart set in CHART_NAME.

Repository & Webhook Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
REPO_CACHE_PATHThe file path or directory location for caching repository data.
WEBHOOK_SECRETThe secret key or token used for secure communication with webhooks.

Release & History Configuration

Environment VariableDescription
RELEASE_HISTORY_SINCE_DAYSThe number of days to consider when displaying release history on the dashboard. This affects dashboard performance.
RELEASE_STATSPeriodically processes the state of GitOps repositories for different environments. It can be activated with enable.

Feature Flags & Tokens

Environment VariableDescription
BOOTSTRAP_ENVThe environment used during application initialization.
PRINT_ADMIN_TOKENPrints the admin token to the application logs.
ADMIN_TOKENA token or credential used for administrative access to the application.
GIT_SSH_ADDRESS_FORMATThe format or template for the SSH address used in Git operations.
FEATURE_TERMS_OF_SERVICEA feature flag variable for enabling the Terms and Conditions link on the sign in page.
FEATURE_CHART_VERSION_UPDATERIf set to true, it scans all git repositories daily and updates the chart version to the version set in CHART_*.
FEATURE_POSTHOGA feature flag variable for collecting non-identifyable product analytics data on PostHog's EU servers. Default: true.
POSTHOG_API_KEYA write-only Project API Key to communicate with the PostHog instance. It can't read events or any of your other data stored with PostHog, so it's safe to use in public apps.
POSTHOG_IDENTIFY_USERIdentify a user with a unique ID instead of a PostHog randomly generated distinct_id and enables session recording for PostHog. Default: false.
LICENSEThe license key you obtain by purchasing a Gimlet license on https://gimlet.io/pricing

Gimlet Agent Configuration Reference

Environment VariableDescription
HOSTThe url where you run Gimlet. Protocol included.
AGENT_KEYAPI key for agents. You can generate an API key on the Settings page.
ENVThe name of the environment, like staging or production. If you run environments in namespaces, use the <env>=<namespace> format.