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Deploy Containerized Backend Services


Provision and Manage Your Containerized Stack

Deploy From GitHub
Connect your repo and start deploying.
Advanced Deployments
Preview and rollback capabilities of your git branches on GitHub and GitLab.
Continuous Delivery
Lowered barrier to entry for gitops adoption with automated deployments.
Grafana & Prometheus Support
Instrument and create app specific dashboards. Find out how to set up monitoring here.
Databases & Services
Set up PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, or MongoDB and any database you use.
Launch queues
Deploy RabbitMQ, NATS, Kafka, or any other supporting services required for your stack.

No Vendor Lock-In

Bring Your Own Hardware
Any Kuberenetes provider will work. We even have tutorials for baremetal clusters.
Fixed Annual Pricing
$299 yearly subscription without usage, bandwidth, service, or storage restrictions.
Migrate from Gimlet Anytime
Migrate to any gitops tooling, Kubernetes, or company platform. We use the same open-source tools.

The most popular backend frameworks are supported.

Deploy your backend now, for free.

  • Separate provisioning and management for different environments
  • Consistent and advanced deployments
  • Observability with Grafana and Prometheus stack
  • Migrate from Gimlet anytime