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Host Your Frontend Without Billing Surprises


Add Social Sign-In To Your Project Without Next Auth PhD

Deploy From GitHub
Connect your repo and start deploying.
Github, Google and more
Deploy your app and enable OAuth Proxy for user authentication.
Share Securely
Share your app on a URL with TLS encryption provided by Let's Encrypt.
All Frameworks and Languages Supported
If you have a Dockerfile, you can deploy. Sometimes even without it, using Buildpacks
Previews and Rollbacks
Test your project before launch.

Fixed Pricing

One-Time Annual Payment
$299 billed annually without usage limits, transfer fees and monetization restrictions.
Migrate from Gimlet Anytime
No strings attached, it's just containers and Kubernetes. Deployed with tools your infra colleagues use already.

The most popular frontend frameworks are supported.

Deploy your frontend now, for free.

  • Social sign-in to your app
  • Next.js, React, Remix, you name it - you can deploy it
  • One-time annual payment. No hidden fees and TOS traps
  • Migrate from Gimlet anytime