
Gitops bootstrapping reference

On this page you can see all the possible options you can use to bootstrap the gitops automation with the Gimlet CLI.

Bootstrapping on the Gimlet dashboard

Gitops bootstrapping happens automatically on the Gimlet dashboard during environment creation. You can read this page to know what goes under the hood.

Folder per env

Specify the --env switch. Gimlet CLI will arrange manifests into a folder, named like your environment.

gimlet gitops bootstrap \
  --env staging \

Repo per env

Use the --single-env switch. Gimlet CLI will assume that only one environment will be placed in this repository.

gimlet gitops bootstrap \
  --single-env \

Linking gitops environments to namespaces, not clusters

Gimlet does not model the shape of your cluster as written on the Gitops conventions page. It is up to the cluster administrator to link the gitops repository to a cluster, or to a namespace.

When you link to a namespace, there is usually a gitops environment already running in that cluster. Then you should use the --no-controller flag to not provision another flux in the new environment.

Reach out on Discord

We have setups where we link gitops envs to namespaces. Join our community Discord or Ask a question on Github so we can better support namespace based environments.

Bootstrapping from a different folder

You need to run the bootstrap command from within the repository you want to place the manifests in. If you specify the --gitops-repo-path <<path-to-a-working-copy-of-the-gitops-repo>> \ flag, you can run the command from anywhere.

gimlet gitops bootstrap \
  --env staging \
  --gitops-repo-path <<path-to-a-working-copy-of-the-gitops-repo>> \

Upgrading the gitops controller

You can upgrade the gitops automation to the latest bundled version with the gimlet gitops upgrade command. It takes the same parameters as gimlet gitops bootstrap.

$ gimlet gitops upgrade --single-env --no-deploykey --gitops-repo-url
โœ”๏ธ GitOps configuration upgraded at /projects/myproject/flux

๐Ÿ‘‰ 1) Check the git diff
๐Ÿ‘‰ 2) Commit and push to git origin

Flux will find the changes and apply them. Essentially upgrading itself

Yay Gitops๐Ÿ™Œ

If you don't want to upgrade/generate one of the components use the following flags:

  • --no-controller
  • --no-kustomization
  • --no-deploykey


To upgrade everything, but not regenerating the deploykey:

gimlet gitops upgrade \
  --single-env \
  --gitops-repo-url \

To upgrade everything, but not regenerating the deploykey. This time with a named env in the gitops repo:

gimlet gitops upgrade \
  --env staging \
  --gitops-repo-url \

To upgrade only flux, but not regenerating the deploykey, and not generating/updating the gitops repo config

gimlet gitops upgrade \
  --env staging \
  --gitops-repo-url \
  --no-deploykey \
โ† Deploying Gimlet in production