
How-to manage secrets

Secrets demand special handling, and often they are stored, managed and configured in a workflow that is adjacent to application deployment.

Kubernetes allows you to decouple configs and secrets from your applications, but leaves the question open how those secrets show up in the cluster.

In this guide, you will learn how to tie the secret management workflow and application delivery together using Gimlet and gitops.

Life is simple on localhost

Developers know that configs and secrets must come from environment variables.

During development, configs and secrets are just that: environment variables.

But deployment time, secrets become snowflakes

Kubernetes offers the ConfigMap and Secret resources to decouple configuration from the deployment descriptors. Instead of storing environment variables verbatim in the yaml, you reference config maps and secrets by their name.

Life is simple with config maps. You store them together with your application descriptors, but secrets demand special treatment. ❄

And special treatment means a special workflow. One that is distinct to app deployment

Kubernetes does the right thing.

Its abstraction allows for secret workflows that can treat secrets in a way that is in sync with your company's information security policies.

But because of that, secret workflows are as diverse as many types of companies there are: we have seen secrets put in CI, cloud key stores, vaults. Automations that unlock keys in CI, vaults that unseal in the cluster. Dev workflows that include cloud CLIs, encrypted git repos, GUIs to punch in secrets. Sprinkle this with dev <> ops organizational divisions, and you often get an uncomfortable dev workflow.

With gitops however, the secret workflow doesn't have to be split from application deployment.

How gitops unifies secret management with application deployment

With gitops, you store ConfigMaps right next to your application yamls. But you can also store Secrets right next to your application manifests.


No special treatment, no distinct secret workflows, no eventual consistency.

You store secrets right with your application configuration, deploy them the same way, and the same time. You version secrets together with your application, just encrypted.

# .gimlet/staging.yaml
app: myapp
env: staging
namespace: my-team
  name: onechart
  version: 0.60.0
  replicas: 1
    repository: myapp
    tag: 1.0.0
    MY_SECRET: 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

It is made possible with the Sealed Secrets project.

Sealed secrets

Bitnami's Sealed Secrets is based on asymmetric cryptography, just like your SSH keys or SSL.

Encrypt your Secret into a SealedSecret, which is safe to store - even to a public repository. The SealedSecret can be decrypted only by the controller running in the target cluster and nobody else (not even the original author) is able to obtain the original Secret from the SealedSecret.

  • You deploy the Sealed Secrets controller in your cluster
  • In turn, it creates a key pair
  • You download the public key that you will use for sealing all secrets
  • Also, back up the private key, should you need to recover your cluster in case of an emergency.

Sealed secrets cannot be decrypted without the private key, not even by the creator, all the encrypted secrets in the GitOps repository will be useless, if you need to recreate the cluster without the private key.

Once you have the controller running, and fetched the public key, you can use Gimlet CLI to seal your Gimlet manifest file.

You can deploy Bitnami's Sealed Secrets with Gimlet, follow the Make Kubernetes an application platform tutorial.

Sealing secrets on the dashboard

If Sealed Secrets is installed on your target environment, the Gimlet UI has a write only secret workflow where you can add clear text values and Gimlet seals the value with the target cluster's public key.

Sealing secrets with Gimlet

Sealing secrets on the terminal

You can ease the management of SealedSecret objects with OneChart's sealedSecrets field:

# .gimlet/staging.yaml
app: myapp
env: staging
namespace: my-team
  name: onechart
  version: 0.60.0
  replicas: 1
    repository: myapp
    tag: 1.0.0
    secret1: secret-value-to-be-sealed

You need to put already sealed values in the Gimlet manifest. To seal your secrets use Sealed Secret's raw mode.

Sealing string passwords:

echo -n mysupersecretstring | kubeseal  \
  --context my-cluster \
  --raw --scope cluster-wide \
  --controller-namespace=infrastructure \

Sealing entire files:

kubeseal \
  --context my-cluster \
  --raw --scope cluster-wide \
  --controller-namespace=infrastructure \
Container image building